Jan a is native of Baton Rouge and a true southerner. She will be the first to tell you that there is no place like home. She is the senior paralegal within our firm, with more than 40 years of experience in the legal field. Jan has been a major addition to the law office with her contributions to our motion practice, discovery responses, and propounding discovery. On occasion, she even assists with matters within the pre-suit phase. She attended LSU and graduated in 1972. Jan’s main focus is to ensure all of our clients’ needs are met. She has great enthusiasm and believes helping to make a difference in other people’s lives is her biggest reward. She works diligently to help Mr. Williams bring cases to a successful conclusion and enjoys the time getting to know our clients and their families. Her favorite pastimes outside of work are spending quality time with her children and grandchildren, dancing, traveling, and giving back to her community through her church. She is a devoted and loyal Tiger Saints fan!